

Despite their massive statures and animalistic features, the bestial giants inhabiting the northern forest are an unexpectedly amicable people. The giants maintain a beneficial and prosperous relationship amongst each of the various tribes scattered throughout the forest; mostly based around a collective worship of some worldly energy they refer to as, "Munchata".Since their discovery by the nation of Terra Magica in 11GCS, relations between the two peoples have only been fruitful and uncomplicated. Many thank this to the inherent friendly nature of the giants, as well as similarities between this "Munchata" and Terra Magica's Magic.


The Peak

Unable to communicate with Munchata or attune to Magic, the Orokana have secluded themselves within the western mountains, where the rich resources have allowed for a breakthrough of scientific innovation. Over time, the nation composed of two factions working in tandem: The Oroka who dwell within the mountain, putting their minds and resources to never-ending use; and the Orona savages who live in the wastelands surrounding the mountain, serving their purpose as an army of test subjects. This was their society, the Orokana.
Before the war, that is.


Terra Magica

The universe must follow its laws; life must live, time must tick, and death must die. Such is the law above laws; such is Magic.When Lady Satanna was exiled from the Laws, she wandered the Mors Mortis desert at the isle's south. The natives followed, and watched, and over the years, they learned. Through learning, they united and grew. And through growth, they prospered.
It was a cave in the center of the desert where Lady Satanna settled and where the city of Magic, Terra Magica, was built. Upon the Lady's passing, the Magic carrying her will and essence blossomed into new life.
Magic flows through their land, through their veins, and through their very time. Magic connects the past to the future, the weak to the strong, the end to all beginnings. All encompassing, that is the law above laws; that is Magic.


The City Damned

At the center of the isle, bathing in the darkness of a cloud plagued sky, sits the oldest and first settlement built on Tartarus. The true and original purpose of the massive ring within a ring has been utterly lost to the winds of time. Today, the outer stone ring encloses a curious city on the verge of technological advancement. Isolated and independent, The City has maintained allegiances amicable enough to act as mediator between the feuding nations of Terra Magica and The Peak.
The inner ring, known to its denizens as The Oasis, serves as the means to The City's current golden age: in exchange for knowledge and resources from each nation, The City holds all tried criminals of Tartarus within the walls of The Oasis, where each prisoner is put to grueling, endless labor for the betterment of The City and its creatures.
A mysterious crystal known as Zaginduru powers The City. This gemstone makes up most of the land entrapped within The City, and through means unknown to the rest of the world, creatures of the City have discovered an energy known as "umun" within the Zaginduru. Talks in Terra Magica heavily compare this umun to munchata, with one major key difference being The City's manipulation of it. Using the properties of Zaginduru and umun, the creatures have managed to produce a nigh infinite source of power with which to power the technology provided by the remnant society of the Peak, as well as forge their own blasphemous "magitech" based around the knowledge provided by the cities of Magic and Science.